Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Game Day!

Marissa is cheering for the middle school basketball team this year! They had their first game Monday and she did great! They have another game tonight... soooo much running! Nothing I wouldn’t do for my babies, though! 

I’ve been doing pretty good with having dinner either cooked before we leave for the games, or in the crockpot ready to eat when we get back! Recipes coming soon!

What you can’t tell in this photo is that shortly after I snapped it, she took a cup of hot chocolate with her to school... AFTER her dad told her she wasn’t allowed to this morning... and then called me crying because she spilt it on her uniform on her way to school! Ohhh, and then it was my fault because “you saw me take it with me.” Umm, when I’m rushing to get three kids out the door in the morning, and you’re carrying a bookbag, a cheer bag, AND a gym bag, no, I didn’t really notice the cup of hot chocolate in your hand!! 

Y’all, I’m gonna lose it one of these days... and today might be the day!! 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Light Feather Jewelry

I did not receive compensation for the following post. The products pictured were provided by Light Feather Jewelry. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 
I've been into crystals and stones lately, but honestly, I'm still trying to educate myself on the healing powers of them and best ways to use them. (Anyone have any suggestions?!)
Light Feather Jewelry sent me this faceted agate stone bracelet. Agate stone is known to help with grounding, nourishment, and stability.

Marissa and I are both pretty clumsy, so we're kinda fighting over this bracelet.
They were also kind enough to send a bracelet made with malachite stones and wood for one of my readers! Malachite is used to aid success in business and protect against undesirable business associations and is also a stone of balance in relationships.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Willow's 8th Birthday, with Help from AL Memorable Creations!

I did not receive compensation for the following post. The products pictured were provided by AL Memorable Creations. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 
While we were at the beach, I also threw a birthday party for my favorite niece, with the help of AL Memorable Creations! She wanted a mermaid theme, so I kinda went with an "Under the Sea" theme so that my decorations weren't quite so limited.

My mother-in-law made these dolphin fruit cups for the kids for breakfast on Willow's birthday. I'm sure glad she made them because mine would not have turned out as good!

We took it easy and the kids had a pool party outside!

I lucked out and the Food Lion in Nags Head had these beach themed cupcakes already made!
My brother-in-law made "fish in the sea" (aka Swedish fish in jello) for me!
Marissa found the idea on Pinterest to make an octopus out of balloons and streamers... mine kinda looked like an alien...
These I made are kinda self-explanatory...

Goody bags for the kids!

This was supposed to be printed a lot larger, but with trying to get everything packed for our family before we left for the beach, I kinda forgot... oops. It still turned out okay printed this size though!

How cool is this time capsule?! I would never have even thought about this on my own!

Birthday girl blowing out her candle!
Marissa and Willow twinning!

Make sure you check out AL Memorable Creations for all of your party needs and follow them on Instagram too!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Beach Bum

I did not receive compensation for the following post. The products pictured were provided by the companies mentioned. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 
To say I'm self-conscious about my body would be an understatement, but this bathing suit from Plus Size Appeal had me feeling like a queen! I posted these selfies on Instagram and Facebook first and got an amazing response from all of my friends and followers, so that kinda gave me the guts to go ahead and hit the beach in it...

I loved the way the bathing suit fit... it was snug enough to hold in my fat in my stomach area but not too snug to where I couldn't breathe, lol. I think my boobs looked kinda amazing in it too! lol!

Follow Plus Size Appeal on IG too! :)

I also LOVED this towel from Twig & Trunk too!! I think round beach towels are kinda the "in" thing right now, so I was pretty stoked to get one!

Aleah enjoyed it too! This towel is SO soft and huge!! Perfect for a nap on the beach!

Follow Twig & Trunk on IG too!

How about this stylish hat from Waves & Wood Clothing Co?!
I've honestly never really been big on hats before, because my ears are too big and I feel like they make them stick out even more, lol, but this hat was perfect for the day on the beach! It kept the sun off of my face so I could watch the kids without having to squint or get awful tan lines from my sunglasses!
Follow Waves & Wood on IG too!
Man, these pictures really make me wish I was back at the beach already! I don't think I can make it a whole nother year before our next family vacation!!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Indie Bow Co

I did not receive compensation for the following post. The products pictured were provided by Indie Bow Co. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 
Indie Bow Co is home of the original micro-mini leather bow!
My girly-girl Marissa loves to accessorize, so these bows are the perfect size to wear on the end of her braids.

My Aleah is more of a tomboy, but she recently wanted her hair cut shorter and it has been driving me crazy trying to keep the hair out of her face! She's not usually too keen on the idea of wearing a bow, because she doesn't like big and flashy, but these are just the right size to get her to agree to!

Make sure to follow Indie Bow Co on Instagram...
and enter to win this set of three bows!!