Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Poor Girl :(

The hubs and I bought the kids a new swing set last week! We may have been more excited than they were! It has a freaking trampoline - how cool is that?! Ivan got it put together Saturday morning and Aleah went out and played in her pj's - check out this bed head! ha!

I had to work 1:30 pm - 11 pm this weekend, so I was at work Saturday night when my husband called and said he thought Aleah had broke her arm on the swing set! :( I of course left work, picked her up, and rushed her to the ER. Apparently she had been swinging on the swings, and just let go in mid-air, and fell face first. My poor baby fractured her collar bone! :( They said there's nothing they can really do for her, that it just has to heal on it's own, but they gave her a sling to wear to try to keep it still. They said just to rotate Motrin and Tylenol every three hours, but that wasn't even touching the pain and my poor girl was crying out in pain all night long, so I called her doctor's office yesterday and they called in a prescription for Hydrocodone to help her. It seemed to do the trick! I hope my poor girl heals fast! Any prayers would be appreciated!!


  1. Awwww, poor thing! :( & poor Mom! Hope she makes a speedy recovery! <3

  2. aww poor girl :( thats so sad i hope she has a speedy recovery!

  3. Oh my gosh, poor thing! That sounds painful. Hope it heals quickly and she isn't in a lot of pain.

  4. awww poor baby I hope she heals up fast. that last picture is adorable with the sunglasses

  5. Oh no! They all looked so happy in those first photos. I'm so sorry to hear this and hope she heals quickly.

    Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired

  6. May God heal her body fast. Praying for God's healing:)

  7. Poor baby! Praying that her collar bone is healed quickly!

  8. I hope she heals quickly!

  9. Aww poor thing. I hope she heals quickly.

    I just freaked out today because Emma bumped her head and there was a lump. I almost died.
