Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 7

Day 7 — The meaning behind your blog name?

Well, it's kinda pretty self-explanatory. :) Modded Momma, as in modified momma, as in body modifications. ;) I have 15 tattoos so far... and more to come!

The blog name was going to be "It's Like Karen, With a T!" because alllll day long at work when I'm answering phones and say, "Thank you for calling nTelos, this is Terin, how can I help you?" the customer's response is always, "Karen?" Me, "No, Terin." Customer, "Karen!?" Me, "No, TERIN, with a T!" LOL!! :)


  1. Oh 15 tattoos!! That is great - I love tattoos, even though I only have one I do plan to get more someday soon :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, came by to return the love and follow back :)

    I am your newest follower and look forward to reading more :)

    xo Karina

  2. That is awesome!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I'm a new follower!!

    Have a great day!


  3. As a Kara, I always get called Karen too. Isn't it annoying?

  4. When I worked at a call center I had the same thing with my name too....They thought I was saying Sharon or Karen... >:p

  5. Hey, thanks so much for following my blog! So glad I came over! 15 tattoos - wow! I am about to get my first - yay!
    Hugs xxx

  6. Thanks again for stopping by :) I look forward to getting to know you as well!

  7. thank you for stopping by my blog! I love your post about your name. My middle daughters name is Tawni, and since she was little she would get, Bonnie? no,Tawni...Connie? no, Tawni...Tony? no, TAWNI!!!! So this was awesome!!! I love your name if we would have had one more daughter we would have named her your name only spelled in your name! (We have 3 daughters and they all start with a T) :)

    again, thanks for stopping by my blog. :)


  8. 15 Tats! I love tattoos...on other people that is. I'm not fond of needles or pain. I find it interesting how other blogger get their blogging names and I have to admit, I wondered with yours.

  9. It great to hear people actually talk about the tattoos that they have. I have too many to count.

    I am your newest follower!
    Please follow back, I would greatly appreciate it!
    Review Adventures
